Re-opening our spa June 23rd

Dear Clients,

Today Governor Baker announced Close Contact Personal Services could re-open next week. We are thrilled to announce renew.calm day spa will re-open for spa services on Tuesday, June 23rd!

It's been a long 3 months. Since March 20th, under direction of our Mayor and to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we have been practicing social distancing. While we continued to ship and arrange curbside pickup of your favorite spa products, we had to put our spa services on pause to protect and care for those who work with us, our clients, and the public.

We want to assure you that we take the health and well-being of our community, clients, and staff members very seriously. Like you, we're closely following the federal, state and local guidelines for reopening amidst the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Some of the new protocols The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires:

  • Installation of visual markers to encourage clients to remain at least 6" apart

  • Face coverings for all clients and staff

  • Staff to wear gloves, gowns/smocks,and prescription glasses/safety glasses/goggles

  • No guests should accompany the client during personal services except for persons serving as caretakers/guardians

  • Close our waiting areas and ask clients to wait outside/in cars until appointment

For more information on the guidelines we must follow, go to

What you can expect at your next appointment

In order to make your visits effortless, we're instituting text messaging for Curbside Check-in. Approximately 15 minutes before your appointment, you'll receive a text from us requesting your reply when you've arrived to our parking area. (If you do not use a cell phone, please call us when you are leaving your home at 413.737.6223) When your spa therapist is ready, you will receive a text message notifying you to enter the spa. (If you do not use a cell phone, a member of our staff will come out to the parking area to alert you.) Per the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and out of caution for other clients, please wear your mask when entering the spa. Please use the hand sanitizer provided or wash room to cleanse your hands. Your spa therapist will be wearing PPE and ready to whisk you away to your treatment!

In the meantime, we are reaching out to each of you inconvenienced by our shutdown, by phone, in order to help you reschedule. Our spa is open Tuesday through Saturday to take your calls and answer your e-mails. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, to hear about promos and last-minute appointment availability.

We've missed seeing you, but we knew were are all in this together. We can't thank you enough for your constant phone calls, financial support and social media posts. You inspired us and kept us smiling. Please continue to support those local businesses that still cannot open until Phase 3 and 4.

We look forward to seeing you,