Moving Forward COVID 19 Renew.calm Spa Safety Guidelines

Massachusetts is set to lift mask mandates, open all phases, and increase capacity limitations for all businesses at the end of May. Though this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for, the announcement brings mixed emotions as safety is undoubtedly everyone’s priority. At renew.calm, our goal has always been to provide therapeutic spa services in a clean, professional environment that “renews” the mind and “calms” the spirit. It is our responsibility to help put you at ease.

After careful consideration for our clients and staff, this is renew.calm day spa’s policy effective immediately:

In accordance with The Commonwealth’s guidelines, as of Saturday, May 29th, any clients fully vaccinated, may enter our spa without wearing a mask. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in general, people are considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after they have have received 2 doses of Moderna or Pfizer vaccines or a single dose of Johnson & Johnson. Non-vaccinated clients are encouraged to continue wearing a protective face covering within our facility. COVID-19 SARS virus is transmitted by exposure to infectious respiratory fluids, most commonly by people inhaling very small respiratory droplets. Hand washing along with proper use of face masks decreases the chances of cross-contamination.

Effective May 29th, our Front Desk staff will no longer be required to wear facial coverings while working behind a Plexiglas barrier. In all situations where these staff members are unable to social distance, renew.calm will require our Front Desk to don protective facial coverings.

Renew.calm provides “Close Contact Personal Services” as defined by the State of Massachusetts. Spa therapists will no longer wear protective eye wear, aprons, and gloves, except when deemed necessary in the case of Universal Precautions, a practice we have always adhered to at our spa. Renew.calm spa therapists will continue to wear protective face masks when working with our clients, until June 30th or further notice, as we watch data and can confirm low risk of exposure.

Waiting areas will be reinstituted within our facility. If you prefer to remain outside until your scheduled appointment time, we will notify you by text when it is time to enter the building and your spa therapist is ready to escort you into your treatment room.

If you prefer, curbside pickup or shipping of your favorite spa products and gift cards may still be arranged by calling 413.737.6223. Additionally, renew.calm e-gift cards are available through our website

We look forward to seeing you again!

Dawn Nooney

