Radio Frequency (RF) Skin Tightening and Body Contouring

Radio Frequency (RF) Skin Tightening

Looking for a way to tighten the skin on your face or body that doesn’t cause pain or downtime? Renew.calm, located in West Springfield, was the first day spa in Western Massachusetts to offer a comfortable, inexpensive solution for loose skin on the face and body. Since 2012, our spa therapists have been offering advanced aesthetics and successfully firming skin on the upper arms, buttocks, thighs, abdomen, neck, and face with no discomfort and no downtime. Want to know how? Let us introduce you to radio frequency (RF) skin tightening.


What Is Radio Frequency?

You’re already familiar with common forms of radio frequency waves for use in WiFi and microwaves. But you may not be aware that in skincare, radio frequency is considered to be a non-surgical way to tighten the skin. Radio frequency electromagnetic waves have been used since the early 2000s for skin tightening. Radio Frequency is generally very comfortable. This is because alternating current in RF moves back and forth too quickly for nerve endings to notice or for any uncomfortable sensation to be felt.

How Does RF Work to Tighten Skin?

Exposure to high intensity Radio Frequency (RF) can heat body tissue. When we strategically heat and stimulate the fibroblast cell, located in the deeper dermal layer of our skin, our body can produce more collagen. Fibroblasts cells are like little factories, producing collagen and elastin protein fibers. Collagen protein fibers are what make our skin tight. Fibroblast “factories” slow down as we age. They don’t shut down completely, they just need to be stimulated. Radio frequency waves stimulate those fibroblasts and trigger them to produce more collagen while shrinking and tightening the skin. Your licensed esthetician uses a RF hand piece to comfortably heat the deeper dermal layer of the skin to around 104° F for several minutes. 6-8 sessions are repeated at 1 to 2 week intervals.

Can I Tighten My Whole Body?

Radio Frequency for tightening the skin around the eyes, neck, and jowls is extremely popular at renew.calm in West Springfield. But many of our clients are also interested in body contouring treatments. Loose skin on the abdomen, upper arms, buttocks, and thighs can also be successfully tightened and adipose (fat cells) dissolved with our RF device. In addition, with our Venus Versa device, we have the ability to combine other modalities with RF, such as microchanneling or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), to provide optimal results for those clients in need.

Is RF For Everyone?

All skin types and all skin colors can tolerate RF. However, clients wanting immediate results should be aware skin tightening with RF does not happen overnight. Although there is an immediate effect on the collagen producing cells, it takes a few weeks to see visible results. Surgical procedures for skin tightening may be an alternative, but there are higher costs and may be significant downtime. RF is a pain-free alternative for those not interested in or not a good candidate for surgery. It should be noted, RF is also an excellent way to maintain the investment of a facelift. To determine if you are a good candidate for RF skin tightening treatments, schedule your personal consultation with Dawn Nooney, licensed esthetician and owner of Renew.calm by calling 413.737.6223 or online here