How to Prepare for a Brazilian Bikini Wax and More

At renew.calm, we’ve been waxing men and women in the Greater Springfield Massachusetts area since 2001. Waxing is a quick and cost-effective way to remove unwanted hair from the face, bikini, legs, back, chest, and underarms. We have some of the best waxing experts in Western Mass and we know that clients coming in for their first-time are often nervous. We’re here to relieve any apprehension by answering some of your top questions about how to prepare for a Brazilian bikini wax or any other area. Plus, we’ll give you tips on how to maintain between treatments.

Waxing has been around for centuries. Personally, I’ve been getting waxed, doing my own, waxing friends, and looking after clients since I went to esthetic school for skincare training almost 30 years ago. I’ve been “blessed” with dark hair on my body and upper lip. I’ve had LASER hair removal, electrolysis, IPL, threading, and of course, wax over the past 3 decades. My sister, Deborah, is a registered electrologist, offering permanent hair removal with her own beautiful practice in New Hampshire. I know everything you need to know about wax hair removal. Sometimes I forget that for many of us, the method of removing unwanted hair from our face and body is a new adventure. Sometimes, when clients come in to renew.calm for these services, they aren’t prepared for what to expect.

Once in a while, we have to send clients home without completing a leg wax because the hair is too short. Or our estheticians can’t move forward with the facial wax because our client didn’t take a break from their acne meds. Sometimes a client will find a Brazilian bikini wax far more uncomfortable than it should be because they let the hair get too long.

So, I decided to write a blog about it. I want to alleviate any fears about wax hair removal and help you understand the process better in order to achieve the best results. I enlisted the help of Renew.calm Spa Front Desk Concierge, Erica. She provided me with a list of questions she frequently gets asked by new clients over the phone.


How long should the hair be for a Brazilian bikini wax or leg wax?

Ideally, hair should be about ¼” long when you arrive for your appointment, in order for the wax to grab it and remove it easily. For many, this means you will stop shaving 2 weeks prior to your appointment. Not all hair follicles are growing at the same time or the same pace, so this allows even the shorter hairs to grow out so we can remove them affectively.

In the case of bikini or underarm, attempting to wax hair that’s too long can be uncomfortable. If it’s been over a month since you’ve shaved, we recommend trimming your hair at home before arriving. Just be careful to not cut too short!


What is the difference between a Brazilian wax and a bikini wax?

When I first began my career as an esthetician in 1994, the term “Brazilian” was barely known. (No pun intended.) Clients just scheduled a “bikini wax”. Some wanted a little more, some wanted a little less removed. By the late 90’s and after that famous episode of Sex and the City, everyone had heard of the term. Yet still today, many clients aren’t completely sure of what it includes.

A classic “bikini” wax removes the visible hair from the pubic area, seen from the front while wearing a traditional bikini brief or bathing suit. A “Brazilian bikini” wax removes all of the hair from the labia and around the anus. Some clients choose to leave a small strip or triangle of hair in the front. It is a matter of your preference.

Brazilian Before and After


How do I prepare for the wax appointment?

Hair and skin should be clean and free of any product, including moisturizer. Exfoliate gently a day or two before your appointment to get rid of dry flaky skin. Avoid topical acne medications, retinols, and tanning in the area for at least 72 hours prior to your appointment as this makes the skin dry and sensitive. Stop applying Tretinoin or receiving chemical peels at least 7 days before facial waxing for the same reason.

Please note: A hot shower is not recommended immediately following a body waxing, so it is preferred the client showers or bathes before their appointment.


How long will the wax appointment take?

A brow, lip, chin, or underarm wax is quick and takes only a few minutes. The chest, back, arm, or bikini area can take slightly longer, so plan about 20 minutes. Larger areas, like a full leg wax generally take about 45-60 minutes.

underarm wax


What do I avoid doing before/after wax?

Avoiding topical acne medications, retinols, and tanning in the area for at least 72 hours before your appointment. It is very important to void the application of Tretinoin or chemical peeling agents at least 7 days before facial waxing. These things can thin the skin and make it more sensitive. If you don’t refrain from these things, it is not uncommon for your esthetician, to accidently “lift” the skin and create a scab under the brow or above the lip that lasts for several days. Make a note on your calendar to remind yourself when to stop using these products at the appropriate time.

After waxing, avoid the use of these products, along with self-tanning products, scented moisturizers or makeup on the treated for at least 48 hours. Doing so can cause irritation or acne-like breakouts at the hair follicle. Avoid friction, sun, or heat as the skin will be more sensitive. It is not uncommon for the skin to appear pink and possibly a little bumpy as follicles swell after the hair is removed, a term known as follicular edema, for about 30-60 minutes. Additionally, waxing makes your skin more sensitive to the sun for several days. For all of these reasons, don’t schedule a wax the same day you plan to be on the beach or in the sun.


How long will the results last for?

Hair grows more quickly for some than others. For body hair, I usually ask my clients how often they need to shave to keep their skin smooth. If their answer is “daily” then I find waxing keeps them hair free for at least 7 days. If they respond with “every other day” then they may get closer to 10 days hair-free. As the hair slowly grows back in, clients are super excited to find their hair is not stubbly but soft. Light-haired clients may hardly notice the new growth.

chest wax


Can I shave in between appointments?

You may, but we don’t recommend it. There are many benefits over shaving. Regularly scheduled wax appointments will eventually slow down the hair growth in that area. Shaving cuts the hair at the surface and leads to stubble as the hair grows back. Hair that’s been waxed grows in soft and only needs to be repeated monthly. Plus, your esthetician can see areas you have a hard time reaching on your own. Clients who wax their underarms often remark that they don’t have a shadow like they do after shaving.


Will it hurt? How bad?

Everyone’s pain tolerance is different. Some clients are highly sensitive their first visit while others are unphased. I recommend my clients not schedule the week before their periods when they are premenstrual and body tissue is swollen or sensitive. Avoid caffeinated beverages the day of your appointment for the same reason. Some clients find taking an aspirin before their appointment reduces any inflammation.

At renew.calm we use a variety of waxes, including hard wax and strip wax. Our wax experts select the one appropriate for our client’s skin and hair type in order to give the most comfortable and effective result.


How long do I wait until my next appointment?

In the beginning, I mentioned the need for hair to be long enough for the wax to grab and that all hairs don’t grow at the same pace. Hair grows more quickly for some than others and sometimes faster in the summer than the winter. As a general rule, we recommend you schedule your next appointment within 4 weeks. Over time, you will notice your hair growth slowing down. Eventually, you will find you need to come less frequently.

There are some homecare recommendations we give, such as regular exfoliation and moisturizing the skin on the body daily to avoid ingrown hairs. It’s easy to exfoliate skin on the body while showering with our Exfoliating Gloves. For those with coarse hair or curly hair, prone to ingrown hairs or folliculitis, a special serum can be applied daily to the area daily. Clients at renew.calm can find everything they need in our spa retail boutique or online.

 After analyzing your skin and hair, your licensed estheticians can recommend the appropriate homecare and when to schedule your next appointment. We also offer alternative hair removal options, such as IPL. Call for a consultation.

As the weather gets warmer and we’re planning our beach vacations or weekends on the boat, make plans to schedule your wax appointments, too! Schedule your appointment for day or two before your vacay! Call 413.737.6223 or book online


-        Dawn Nooney, Owner, renew.calm